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Have your say on the draft Sandwell Local Plan

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The Sandwell Local Plan is a document that plans for the future development of our borough. Sandwell Council would like to know your thoughts on the draft.

In the Sandwell Local Plan, Sandwell Council outlines where it expects to build the new homes we need up to 2041. It shows what land is required to accommodate new jobs.

Sandwell Council is holding a consultation so you can have your say on the sites it has proposed for development. Give your feedback on where development should or shouldn’t take place in Sandwell.

Sandwell Council has identified enough land to build more than 11,000 new homes by 2041. However, this isn’t enough to meet the expected housing needs of our growing population. Around 97 per cent of these homes will be built on previously developed or brownfield land. The Sandwell Local Plan protects the Green Belt and does not propose any new development within it.

The Sandwell Local Plan also sets out how we will address challenges like dealing with climate change, protecting our natural environment, supporting our high streets, and encouraging sustainable travel. It includes policies that will help the council to meet its target to be a carbon-neutral borough by 2041.

Have your say

Don’t miss your chance to have a say!

The consultation is now live and will end on Monday 18 December at 5pm.

All of Sandwell libraries have paper copies of the consultation documents and summary document, if you prefer to access it that way.

Sandwell Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Councillor Peter Hughes, said:

“I would encourage all Sandwell residents and businesses to look at the draft plan and let us have their views on it. This is about our borough’s future so the more people get involved, the better the outcome for all.”

If you have issues accessing the consultation documents, or would like to arrange to speak to a Planning Policy Officer, email Sandwell_LocalPlan@sandwell.gov.uk or call 0121 569 4054.

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