Businesses can give back to the community in many ways – perhaps by donating to a cause, offering work ‘in kind’ or sponsoring an event.
Social value and corporate social responsibility (CSR) can boost team spirit, develop skills and customer loyalty. It can help you win contracts.
More than just a financial transaction
Did you know … when Sandwell Council officers award contracts they are considering more than just the financial transaction? They’re looking for suppliers who will go beyond their basic contract terms to secure wider benefits for the local community. We call this delivering ‘social value’.
Sandwell Council has adopted the definition of social value as set out by the government’s Sustainable Procurement Task Force. It is:
“a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment”.
The four pillars of social value in Sandwell

1. Employment and skills
Creating employment opportunities for local people through jobs, work experience, trials, apprenticeships and T-levels.
2. Community engagement
Giving support, guidance, time or resources to non-corporate organisations such as schools, colleges, community groups and charities in the borough.
3. Local spend
Investing money in the area – by subcontracting locally or using local suppliers; by investing in buildings and spaces.
4. Environment
Bringing environmental benefits by reducing, reusing or recycling physical resources; reducing carbon output; reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill: reducing energy consumption.
‘We are Sandwell’: social value video
Watch Michael Wragg, Senior Social Value Officer at Sandwell Council, explain the four pillars of social value in Sandwell. This video also gives an interesting insight into good local employment outcomes thanks to social value commitments from Lovell Partnerships, the contractor working on a new housing site on Bromford Lane in Oldbury:
Your Social Value Delivery Plan
Should your business win a contract with Sandwell Council, our Social Value Team will support you (alongside our colleagues working in employment and skills) to create a Social Value Delivery Plan – incorporating other national TOMs (themes, outcomes and measures) if needed.
We will also work closely with SCVO (Sandwell Council of Community and Voluntary Organisations) to identify suitable volunteering opportunities for you and your team. Ask us about our ‘Adopt a school’ initiative and other ways you can work with the local community.
Together we can bring your Social Value Delivery Plan into being and celebrate its positive outcomes – including with publicity where appropriate. These outcomes will be great for you to highlight in future tenders.
Further reading
Our Social Value Team has over 20 years’ experience in ensuring that work awarded to businesses brings benefits to residents and communities as well. We are ready to help.