Will your Sandwell business #Pledge2Invest?

Through its #Pledge2Invest campaign, Sandwell College is encouraging employers to invest in their workforce and community.

Sandwell College is the West Midlands’ largest provider of 16-19 study programmes. As the video below explains, the college is asking local businesses to #Pledge2Invest: commit to at least one of three investments in order to improve the life chances of people in our communities.

Would you #Pledge2Invest by:

  • Offering an apprenticeship 
  • Upskilling existing staff
  • Offering a work placement?

Employers and entrepreneurs also have opportunities to come and speak to its students and inspire the next generation.

Improving life chances

The external engagement team at the college will collaborate with employers to offer operational support, and to advise on training options. Sandwell College also offers a free recruitment service for local businesses that want to take on new staff.

Sandwell College’s aim through #Pledge2Invest is to work with local businesses to help grow a talented workforce of the future. This will ultimately improve the life chances of people across the region.

Skills in Sandwell

Investing in your workforce is one of the most effective ways to nurture a thriving business. Alongside #Pledge2Invest from Sandwell College, learn about support available from Sandwell Council on our skills and training page.

NatWest Accelerator now open for March 2024 cohort

The NatWest Accelerator programme is now open for applications for the March 2024 cohort. The programme offers support to entrepreneurs and SMEs. It helps businesses to scale to the next level.

The NatWest Accelerator programme provides fully funded coaching and mentoring specifically designed to meet the needs of entrepreneurs who want to grow their business, regardless of geographic location or sector.

Accelerator wrap-around support

NatWest recognises that every business owner is different and that the motivations for scaling a business can vary greatly. It also understands the power of being surrounded by a network of like minded individuals and specialists. 

The programme is free and specialises in wrap-around support. It provides:

  • One-to-one coaching with acceleration managers
  • A programme of thought leadership and events
  • Access to a network of like-minded peers, supported by Natwest ecosystem managers
  • Focused support with access to experts from every sector
  • The use of modern co-working spaces in one of Natwest’s nationwide hubs.

Programme timeline

The programme starts with an IGNITION event in the week commencing Monday 11 March 2024 and extends over six months with fortnightly events, opportunities and monthly one-to-one, peer-to-peer and group coaching sessions.

There is an option to reapply for up to eighteen months of support in total, with the first six months open to non-NatWest group customers.

Applications for this intake will close on Friday 16 February. Interviews will take place throughout the entire application window. Places are limited.

NatWest Accelerator Programme Download PDF

Discovery events

NatWest is holding some application discovery events for potential applicants. To find out more about the Accelerator programme and better understand what’s on offer attend either an online or a face to face event at your local Accelerator Hub.

For Sandwell businesses the closest hub is in Birmingham and discovery events are taking place every couple of weeks from Tuesday 12 December. Find out more and register via Eventbrite.

Find a virtual discovery event here.

To apply for a place on the Accelerator programme use link below then complete the short application form. Visit the NatWest website to find out about eligibility criteria, and terms and conditions.

Another opportunity: Clean Transport Specialist Accelerator

Transport is the largest carbon emitting sector in the UK, accounting for more than a quarter of emissions. The sector is therefore critical to climate strategy and achieving net zero goals through to 2050.

NatWest is working with the University of Warwick to create a Clean Transport Specialist Accelerator, combining coaching, thought leadership, community and access to networks with specialist support from members of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult. 

Entrepreneurs will gain a unique opportunity to remove barriers, improve connectivity and receive support in realising their ambitions around clean transport. 

To find out more about the clean transport accelerator, download the flyer below:

Clean Transport Specialist Accelerator

Support in Sandwell

Visit our Sandwell Start-Up Hub if you are an aspiring entrepreneur or you have a growing business in Sandwell. Find out about the Sandwell Business Boost growth support we’re currently offering to your business.

Free menopause awareness training

Women Wellbeing Hub in partnership with ACP is holding a menopause awareness session at our Sandwell Start-Up Hub on Friday 15 December. Come and get equipped with knowledge and tools to support you during this transformative life stage.

A Wellbeing Engagement Officer/Menopause Wellbeing Practitioner will lead this menopause awareness session. They are from the Women Wellbeing Hub in partnership with ACP. Together you will explore physical, emotional and professional impacts of menopause, and get practical tips to prepare for or manage the transition.

Covering everything from common symptoms to lifestyle changes, the session will give you valuable insights to enhance wellbeing and productivity.

Whether you’re working for an organisation, self employed, seeking work, volunteering or running a business, this event is for you. Learn how to cultivate a supportive environment that values and empowers women experiencing menopause.

The event takes the form of a talk and networking (12 noon to 1pm), followed by a light lunch. It’s free to attend. See our Sandwell Start-Up Hub page for information about parking and access to the venue. Why not come and work from the Hub for the rest of the day?

VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund is supporting this menopause awareness training. This is a collaboration between the Department of Health & Social Care, NHS England and the UK Health Security Agency.

See also our resource pages on ‘Support for women in business’ and ‘Workforce health and wellbeing’.

Sandwell Council budget: have your say online

Sandwell Council is carrying out further consultation with the public on how to make savings to its budget over the coming years. As a Sandwell-based business representative, don’t forget to have your say in the online survey.

Sandwell Council held an initial budget consultation earlier this year. Now it is inviting residents, businesses and voluntary organisations to take part in a further consultation on areas where the council can save money.

Sandwell Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Bob Piper said: “The council is facing similar pressure to residents from inflation and rising costs. The cost of living emergency is also creating more demand for some council services. This means that we need to make difficult decisions when the council sets its budget.

Making choices about delivering services

“We currently spend around £317 million each year on our day-to-day services, such as bin collections, street cleansing, running libraries and leisure centres. And around 60 per cent of our budget funds vital services for adult social care and looking after vulnerable children. We must meet our legal requirements, but we can make choices in how we deliver some of these services.

“Sandwell is no different to other councils – we all face significant financial pressures. Although we are in a fortunate position to have options to achieve a balanced budget, this still means we need to make difficult decisions. We need to use our limited resources as efficiently as we can, which means we have to work even harder to continue to deliver services and make the money go further for the years ahead.

“In the past two years, the council has worked hard to make savings of over £30 million.

“The council must make savings of £13 million to ensure we can balance our budget for the next financial year (2024/25). The majority of these savings must be sustainable – so we can continue make these savings over the coming years, not just next year.”

Understanding residents’ priorities

The council’s initial 2024/25 budget consultation, that took place over the summer, saw residents rank their priorities for how the council could achieve savings or increase income, as follows:

  • Selling or developing council buildings
  • Stopping or reducing non-essential services
  • Charging more for some paid-for services
  • Introducing more charging for non-essential services
  • Increasing council tax.

This further consultation will ask more questions about the areas where Sandwell Council can make savings.

Councillor Piper added: “It’s important to us that we consult residents on how the council makes these vital savings. When the consultation closes, we will consider the responses we receive and bring a further report back to the council’s cabinet, before setting the council’s budget in early 2024. The council’s budget will, of course, be influenced by the chancellor’s autumn statement in late November and the Local Government Finance Settlement later in the year.”

The consultation closes on Tuesday 2 January 2024.

‘Enabling net zero’ webinar from the Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge

On Thursday 7 December, the IDC will host a webinar about a new report from UKRI and Innovate UK – ‘Enabling net zero: a plan for UK industrial cluster decarbonisation’.

The report highlights the UK’s potential to harness the power of its industrial clusters. It explores how to drive the next phase of emissions reductions, while contributing to a stronger economy and energy security.

The webinar will give an overview of the report, and discuss the key findings, outcomes and recommendations. There will also be a live Q&A with IDC experts.

You can download a copy of the report from the event web page.

Young Planner of the Year 2023: congratulations to Sandwell Council’s Joshua Singh

Sandwell Council’s planning regeneration team leader, Joshua Singh, has won the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)’s national Young Planner of the Year 2023 award.

Josh received the Young Planner of the Year award last week at the RTPI’s Awards for Planning Excellence.

This national award follows Josh winning the West Midlands Young Planner of the Year in June this year. He was recognised for his commitment to making a difference to Sandwell’s residents and businesses. He was also commended for promoting career opportunities in planning to the region’s young people.

Awards for Planning Excellence

At the recent awards the judges commended Josh’s “outstanding commitment and passion”. They added: “As a role model for future young planners, he will benefit the profession and the communities he works within.”

More recently, Josh was part of the team that secured £67.5m of government Towns Fund investment for Sandwell. He lead specifically on the West Bromwich Town Investment Plan. This resulted in West Bromwich securing £25m of funding for six town centre projects.

Josh joined Sandwell Council in 2010. He worked in several planning areas before securing a permanent position in the planning regeneration team in 2015. He has helped to deliver multiple regeneration projects that have benefited the borough. These include leading on a council programme to tackle ‘grot spots’.

The projects ranged from high street upgrades to sustainable transport, with Josh leading on the Urban Greening programme across the town centre.

Making a difference in Sandwell

In addition to these projects, Josh champions engagement with local schools. He works with the council’s employment team to bring career sessions with professional businesses into primary schools.

He has also helped to establish an educational outreach programme to engage with local college students. His aim is to explain what a career in planning might entail.

Josh said: “I’m extremely proud to have won this award and to have this opportunity to represent young planners from the West Midlands region and across the United Kingdom.

“Working in Sandwell for the past fourteen years and raising a young family as a resident of the borough has made me passionate about delivering regeneration and positive transformation for local communities, residents, businesses and young people across the area.

“Winning this award gives me a platform to share this passion and experience. To put Sandwell on the national and international planning stage, showcasing the influential work we’re doing to raise ambitions and create a new story for Sandwell through regeneration and growth.

“I am very fortunate that Sandwell Council has recognised and supported my career, from starting on the main reception through to leading the council’s planning regeneration team. I have a fantastic team around me, and I thank the team of managers who put me forward for this award. Especially Jenna Langford whose footsteps I am following, as a previous recipient of this award in 2019. Two National Young Planners of the Year from Sandwell – we’re obviously doing something right!”

Support from Sandwell Council

Chief Executive of Sandwell Council, Shokat Lal, added: “Josh’s incredible achievement is well-deserved and testimony to his dedication to the people of Sandwell. It is wonderful that the council has been able to support him throughout his career.

“Josh also personifies the vision and ambition for the council and Sandwell as a thriving borough on a journey towards excellence. Josh is a credit to Sandwell, and we couldn’t be more proud of him.”

To find out more about regeneration projects across Sandwell visit www.regeneratingsandwell.co.uk.

Read the Sandwell Business Growth Plan

Sandwell Council has published its Sandwell Business Growth Plan, outlining how we will support our local businesses for the next two financial years.

We launched the Sandwell Business Growth Plan at a networking event at The Hawthorns on Thursday 23 November.

The plan updates Sandwell Council’s 2021 Action Plan and sets out our strategy for supporting businesses over the next two financial years, focusing on seven economic priorities:

Support in Sandwell
Start Up in Sandwell
Grow in Sandwell
Invest in Sandwell
Innovate in Sandwell
Social Value in Sandwell
Net Zero in Sandwell.

Sandwell: a great place to do business

As you probably know, Sandwell is a great place to do business. Our borough has a £6.4bn economy, with twice the number of manufacturing firms to the national average. It is home to fast-growing, high-employment, and high-turnover businesses. Sandwell also benefits from six interconnected towns, a tradition of locally focused small businesses and an economy driven by private-sector employment and growth.

More investment is coming to Sandwell. Our regeneration pipeline forecasts £2.9bn of investment by 2027 (see the Regenerating Sandwell website for more information). This brings the opportunity to make real improvements to high streets, public assets, skills provision and transport – all to ‘level up’ the borough.

In addition, Sandwell Council can support our businesses to meet the challenge of economic recovery, the carbon net zero transition, and rapidly changing global and local markets and supply chains.

Resources and expertise

This means focusing on doing the things that the council and partners can do to create the conditions for new jobs and skills, tackling inequality and keeping wealth local. Sandwell is part of the UK’s largest combined authority (the West Midlands Combined Authority), and with a range of partners delivering regional business support, our Sandwell Business Growth Team has the resources and expertise to deliver this plan.

Our overall ambition is to accelerate business growth, creating a wealthier Sandwell, gripping investment opportunities, and addressing long-term economic challenges to achieve our goal of “stronger businesses, thriving communities”.

Sandwell Business Growth Plan

Download in a new tab
Sandwell Business Growth Plan

Last week, we also launched Sandwell’s Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies Index 2023. Have a look!

Get Connected in Sandwell business breakfast in December: ‘Social Value Matters’

Come and network at our free business breakfast event on Wednesday 13 December. We’re hosting this at our new Sandwell Start-Up Hub, alongside Sandwell College and the Black Country Chamber of Commerce. It will have a social value focus.

Our third Get Connected in Sandwell event is called ‘Social Value Matters’. Two special guest speakers will talk about the importance and potential impact of social value in our communities, and how it can help your business when bidding for work.

Michael Wragg is our Senior Social Value Officer here on the Business Growth Team. He’ll tell you what social value means for Sandwell.

And Kim Fuller is Growing Participation and Volunteering Mentor at SCVO. Kim will take a practical look at social value, corporate social responsibility, and employer-supported volunteering.

At the free event, you will also learn about funded courses, grants and business support available for your organisation.

Bacon, sausage or veggie option?

You will also get a free breakfast (with bacon, sausage or vegetarian options). And, of course, the opportunity to network with other businesses.

The breakfast event is taking place at Jack Judge House in Oldbury, from 7.30am to 9.30am.  There is free parking available nearby in Sainsbury’s car park for a maximum of three hours. (If you need to stay longer, download the Horizon parking app and book your space.)

When you arrive, please enter the building via the rear entrance and press the second floor intercom for a council officer to let you in.

Why not bring your laptop, stay on afterwards and work from the Sandwell Start-Up Hub? You just need to book your desk:

Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme launch webinar

The Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme is launching with a webinar on Wednesday 15 November. Attend the online event to hear how the programme can give your business information, expert advice, energy audits, support and grants.

The Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme is to help businesses in Birmingham, Solihull, Coventry and the Black Country cut down on their carbon emissions and energy costs. The West Midlands Combined Authority is delivering it with support from Aston University, the Black Country Industrial Cluster and Coventry City Council.

It is part of wider West Midlands business support activity, funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Join the team to learn how this government-funded initiative can make a real difference for your business, helping it to become more eco-friendly and financially sustainable.

Learn about:

  • The support available to businesses
  • Grant support
  • Energy audits and how having one could benefit your business
  • Eligiblity criteria
  • How to apply for the programme.

Learn more about the Decarbonation Net Zero Programme.

Also: find out how, through the programme, you can get free energy-efficient assessments and possible funding for your Sandwell business.

Have your say on the draft Sandwell Local Plan

The Sandwell Local Plan is a document that plans for the future development of our borough. Sandwell Council would like to know your thoughts on the draft.

In the Sandwell Local Plan, Sandwell Council outlines where it expects to build the new homes we need up to 2041. It shows what land is required to accommodate new jobs.

Sandwell Council is holding a consultation so you can have your say on the sites it has proposed for development. Give your feedback on where development should or shouldn’t take place in Sandwell.

Sandwell Council has identified enough land to build more than 11,000 new homes by 2041. However, this isn’t enough to meet the expected housing needs of our growing population. Around 97 per cent of these homes will be built on previously developed or brownfield land. The Sandwell Local Plan protects the Green Belt and does not propose any new development within it.

The Sandwell Local Plan also sets out how we will address challenges like dealing with climate change, protecting our natural environment, supporting our high streets, and encouraging sustainable travel. It includes policies that will help the council to meet its target to be a carbon-neutral borough by 2041.

Have your say

Don’t miss your chance to have a say!

The consultation is now live and will end on Monday 18 December at 5pm.

All of Sandwell libraries have paper copies of the consultation documents and summary document, if you prefer to access it that way.

Sandwell Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Councillor Peter Hughes, said:

“I would encourage all Sandwell residents and businesses to look at the draft plan and let us have their views on it. This is about our borough’s future so the more people get involved, the better the outcome for all.”

If you have issues accessing the consultation documents, or would like to arrange to speak to a Planning Policy Officer, email Sandwell_LocalPlan@sandwell.gov.uk or call 0121 569 4054.

Sandwell’s Growth Event: sign up today

Join us on Thursday 23 November for Sandwell’s Growth Event at West Bromwich Albion Football Club. We’ll be launching the Sandwell Business Growth Plan alongside Sandwell’s Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies Index.

At the Sandwell’s Growth Event, you can network with likeminded business people and find out how Sandwell Council will be supporting local businesses to grow, thrive and prosper.

We have exciting plans to help you – and this event will tell you more.

About the event

You will hear from some of our borough’s fastest growing businesses and learn how they have achieved their success. We are re-launching our Top 50 report, which charts the 50 fastest growing companies in the borough.

The Sandwell Business Ambassadors will also be there to talk about how they are working with Sandwell Council to support the borough and its businesses. They are a collective of business people using their voices and influence to support Sandwell, its people and communities, and the wider Black Country, to thrive.

Finally, you will hear how our Business Growth Team can support you and your business.

So whether you’re from a start-up or a well-established business, come along and find out more.

The event takes place on Thursday 23 November from 7.30am to 10.30am at The Hawthorns, home of West Bromwich Albion Football Club in West Bromwich.

Spaces are limited so register today!

‘How to become a disability confident employer’: workshop from the Department of Work and Pensions

On Wednesday 22 November (10am), the Department of Work and Pensions is hosting a webinar to help you become empowered, as an employer, to improvement your recruitment, retention and development of disabled people in your workforce.

It won’t be recorded, so sign up and attend on the day.

‘Grief in the workplace’ workshop with Cruse Bereavement Support

On Tuesday 5 December (10am), Thrive at Work is hosting an online ‘Grief in the workplace’ workshop with Cruse Bereavement Support.

The one-hour session (during National Grief Awareness Week) will help to inform how you manage bereavement in the workplace. You will explore how your response to grief can have a positive impact on employee wellbeing. 

Sandwell welcomes six guests from Hangzhou, China

This week, Sandwell Council welcomed six delegates from Hangzhou in China.

Our guests came as part of a wider four-day, self-funded research trip to the UK. They visited Sandwell to see how a UK local authority functions and how it provides social services for residents. As deputy directors for municipal departments looking after veterans’ services, they especially wanted to learn about veteran welfare services in our area.

In turn, we were keen to build on our established relationship with our Hangzhou visitors’ region of China. We are always looking to raise Sandwell’s international profile and explore further ways to establish cultural, economic and academic links between here and the rest of the world.

About Hangzhou, China  

Near to Shanghai, Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province. It borders the Yangtze River and has hills to the west.

The Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone became a national development zone in 1993. It has five pillar industries: machinery and electronics, biology and pharmaceutical, high-tech chemistry, textile and chemical fibre, and food processing.

The visit to Sandwell

The Sandwell Business Growth Team was responsible for hosting our guests’ visit to Sandwell Council. In preparation, we engaged with partner organisations Black Country Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Defence, as well as our council colleagues involved with homes, communities and public health. We also carried out fact funding into local support for ex-force personnel and veterans, to help our visitors get useful information from their visit.

Xu Huashui, Wang Jiang, Xu Jianxiang, Lu Qiliang, Liu Hongyin and Lan Hongxing came to see us at Sandwell Council House on Tuesday 24 October. We hosted them in the Mayor’s Parlour where Shokat Lal, chief executive of Sandwell Council, held a welcome speech. Jenna Langford, our Regeneration Manager, was among the people to make a presentation. She focused on Sandwell Council’s business support, our borough’s regeneration pipeline, and inward investment. We also heard from representatives from the Armed Forces Covenant and Stepway, organisations supporting military veterans in civilian life.

Our visitors from Hangzhou with Sandwell Council colleagues in the Sandwell Council chamber, Oldbury

Previous visits from China: a timeline

2015: Sandwell Council welcomed its first Chinese delegation from Pengzhou City.

2016: We had our first visit from delegates from the city of Jinhua. Jinhua Municipal People’s Government Mayor, Ji Junmin, and the Leader of Sandwell Council signed a Friendship Agreement. This is to promote friendly exchanges between the two regions and an exchange of cooperation in economy, trade, science and technology, culture, education, sports, health and personnel for the good of common prosperity and development.

2017: In May 2017, delegates from the Shanghai municipal government made a visit to the borough.

2018: In 2018 we had a return visit from the city of Jinhua to strengthen our business and friendship links.

2019: In July 2019, Sandwell hosted a visit from two Jinhua schools. St Michael’s CE School in Rowley Regis and one of our Q3 Academies welcomed school children and their teachers. They enjoyed activities together that included a visit to Ingestre Hall Residential Arts Centre and Sandwell Valley Park Farm.

[Feature picture: Xu Huashui from Hangzhou exchanges cultural gifts with Councillor Kerrie Carmichael, Leader of Sandwell Council.]

Your social enterprise in 2024: new support from SWEDA

SWEDA, SEBFWestMids and DCMS are partnering to offer a raft of new support opportunities for social enterprise entrepreneurs in Sandwell and Wolverhampton.

The West Midlands Social Enterprise Boost Fund (SEBFWestMids) is a programme that aims to accelerate social enterprise in the region. The fund offers a range of grants and targeted business support to help new and existing social enterprises start up, scale up and grow.

There are three main strands of support:

  • Fired Up – a series of sessions for new social entrepreneurs, to answer common questions about organisation structures, markets, costings and stakeholders.
  • FUSE – a twelve-week course designed to take local entrepreneurs from idea to launch and beyond. It includes masterclasses, confidence building and a live pitch-up event. It will run on Thursdays, from 10am to 1pm, starting on Thursday 11 January 2024.
  • Social Enterprise MOT – a programme aimed at more established social businesses that are ready to expand. The sessions will cover topics such as business development, people management and governance. The programme will run on Tuesdays, and starts on Tuesday 9 January 2024.

One-to-one support available

SEBFWestMids also offers one-to-one business support, networking opportunities and the chance to apply for up to £10K of grant funding.

For more information, including eligibility criteria, and to register your interest, visit the website or email sweda@sweda.org.uk.

‘Made in the UK, Sold to the World’ Awards entries open in November

The Department for Business and Trade’s 2024 ‘Made in the UK, Sold to the World’ Awards will open for entries on Friday 10 November. 

The Made in the UK, Sold to the World Awards recognise and celebrate the global trading success of SMEs from across the UK.

The opening entry date for the awards is Friday 10 November, during this year’s International Trade Week (6 to 13 November 2023).

Award categories

There are ten award categories and this year’s categories are: 

  • Agriculture, food and drink 
  • Consultancy and professional services 
  • Creative industries
  • Education and edtech 
  • Financial services and fintech
  • Healthcare 
  • Infrastructure and engineering 
  • Low carbon energy 
  • Manufacturing, advanced manufacturing and construction 
  • Retail and consumer goods.

There will be one winner from each category and up to three highly commended businesses.

To find out more about the awards and read about 2023’s winners visit the Made in The UK, Sold to the World website.

Entries for the 2024 awards close on Sunday 14 January 2024.

‘Cutting costs and improving productivity through customs’ workshop

We’re holding a series of international trade workshops for Sandwell businesses. Join us for the third one in the series on Thursday 23 November at our Sandwell Start-Up Hub.

We (the Sandwell Business Growth Team) are holding a series of international trade workshops covering:

  • How to improve your import, export and customs procedures
  • Ambition to export: mapping and accessing new markets
  • Cutting costs and improving productivity through customs
  • Reviewing Brexit: customs compliance and audit for UK importers.

The third workshop in the series takes place on Thursday 23 November at Jack Judge House in Oldbury. It’s called ‘Cutting costs and improving productivity through customs’.

We (the Sandwell Business Growth team) are hosting the international trade workshop and experts from Falsum Consulting Ltd will deliver the session. It’s a whole-day event from 9.30am to 4.30pm.

It will provide an understanding of international regulatory laws (handling tariff classifications, valuation issues, country of origin, customs audits, duty minimization programs, AEO status and so on).

The workshop will look at how to develop, implement and manage various branches through the EU and worldwide and how to establish performance metrics (KPIs), administer internal audits and maintain compliant record keeping. 

The session will provide information and guidance fully updated after the implementation of UCC and the EU referendum vote, such as:

  • International trade compliance techniques – MSS, EORI, VIES, MRN, ECS, ICS, EAD, CFSP, NES, AEO, TFA, UCC 
  • Brexit – review current international trade activities and the impact on your business of the UK no longer being in the EU
  • Rules and regulators – where can I find the rules/ who are the regulators I need to work with? 
  • Tariff classification – the importance of tariff classification of goods (commodity code numbers)
  • Valuation of goods rules – what is included in the value for duty and VAT payments and what can be excluded?
  • Duty reliefs – how to save money on imports by using legal and HMRC approved regimes
  • Origin and preference – what are the rules and when are these declared?
  • Audits – customs, DIT-ECJU and internal perspectives – what is expected? How should you react? Setting up internal audit programmes, logging results and setting up improvement plans
  • Authorised Economic Operator – what is it? Are there benefits/ negatives? Should we become an AEO? Will AEO be relevant when the UK has left the EU?
  • Intercompany transactions – do we have sister/ parent companies in the UK, EU or worldwide? Should these differ from normal import/ export activities? How to work between internal departments (HR/ finance/ purchasing/ sales/ production/ logistics)
  • Record keeping – what information and documentation you should keep, performance metrics, documented procedures, computer system support
  • Working with HM Revenue & Customs, suppliers, customers, freight agents – documented processes/ service level agreements
  • Compliance culture – how to set up an internal/ external compliance culture
  • Export controls – how are you affected by export controls compliance? 

This workshop will be ideal for compliance managers, finance leaders, business heads and logistics management.

Four workshops in AI innovation: how to sign up

Digital Catapult is holding a series of AI innovation workshops between October 2023 and January 2024. The workshops are designed to empower AI developers and adopters within the agriculture, creative, transport and construction sectors.

The AI innovation workshops will encourage collaboration, explore responsible innovation, dive into data excellence, and uncover investment opportunities for AI-driven start-ups. There are four workshops in the series, each focusing on a different element of AI innovation.

What is Digital Catapult?

Digital Catapult is a UK authority on advanced digital technology. It is dedicated to accelerating industry adoption and driving growth and opportunity across the economy. It is part of the Catapult Network, a network of leading technology and innovation centres established by Innovate UK.

Its goal is to accelerate new possibilities for businesses. To achieve this it aims to break down barriers, open up markets and responsibly shape the products and services of the future.

Workshop 1

Cultivating synergy: strategies for effective AI startup – industry partnerships

When: Friday 20 October or Wednesday 29 November, 9.30am – 4pm 

Where: Digital Catapult Offices, London

About the event

This workshop looks at partnership value and co-creation, addressing barriers that hinder collaboration. The aim is to help bridge AI capabilities and industry needs. There will be interactive activities offering insights into sustainable growth through partnerships. 

Attendees can explore how startups’ innovations meet industry players’ demands, shedding light on AI’s dynamic interplay between supply and demand.

Who should attend?

  • AI Developers: Startups, micro and small enterprises with AI-relevant products or services. Those seeking to enhance their understanding of collaboration with industry end users and interested in establishing potential new partnerships
  • AI Adopters: Medium and large organisations (industry end users) looking to integrate AI solutions into their operations, collaborate with startups, micro and small enterprises, and explore innovative solutions and partnerships to enhance the company’s offerings.

What you’ll gain

  • Leverage industry expertise while connecting with agile partners to spark innovative collaborations.
  • Explore a variety of partnership models aligned with your growth objectives, ensuring the perfect fit for your strategy.
  • Acquire practical strategies for overcoming technical and business challenges, from regulatory compliance to scalability.

Workshop 2

Minimum viable ethics: An introduction to responsible innovation

When: Wednesday 4 October or Tuesday 16 January, 1pm – 3.30pm 

Where: Digital Catapult Offices, London

About the event

This two hour workshop will explore the risks associated with AI. It will uncover responsible innovation solutions through creative and hands-on exercises.

The aim is to empower attendees with the knowledge and tools to make strides in maximising the benefits of socio-technical systems. It will provide an opportunity to grasp the fundamentals of AI risks and responsible innovation in a creative and interactive environment.

Who should attend

  • AI Developers: Startups, micro and small enterprises with AI-relevant products or services. Those seeking to enhance their understanding of collaboration with industry end users and interested in establishing potential new partnerships
  • AI Adopters: Medium and large organisations (industry end users) looking to integrate AI solutions into their operations, collaborate with startups, micro and small enterprises, and explore innovative solutions and partnerships to enhance the company’s offerings.

What you’ll gain

  • Grasp the significance of responsible innovation in today’s fast-paced digital landscape
  • Develop the ability to systematically identify and address the pertinent risks associated with responsible innovation
  • Ensure your projects are both ethically sound and effective
  • Acquire an introduction to the world of Responsible Innovation interventions and solutions – equipping yourself with actionable knowledge that can positively impact your AI-driven initiatives.

Workshop 3

Digital transformation: Data excellence and data ethics 

When: Wednesday 4 October or Tuesday 16 January, 9am – 12.30pm 

Where: Digital Catapult Offices, London

About the event

This workshop focuses on digital transformation, data maturity and readiness. It looks at how to adopt AI in the right way.

The session will explore the potential of AI, its advantages, and the hurdles faced in its adoption. It will answer questions such as: 

  • What is digital transformation?
  • Why do most AI projects fail?
  • What are the right steps towards AI adoption?

The session will include interactive discussions and activities. It will explore how data-driven technologies can augment products or services and identify the data readiness and maturity levels needed to achieve data excellence.

Who should attend?

  • AI Developers: Startups, micro and small enterprises with AI-relevant products or services. Those seeking to enhance their understanding of collaboration with industry end users and interested in establishing potential new partnerships
  • AI Adopters: Medium and large organisations (industry end users) looking to integrate AI solutions into their operations, collaborate with startups, micro and small enterprises, and explore innovative solutions and partnerships to enhance the company’s offerings.

What you’ll gain

  • Immerse yourself in an engaging and practical workshop environment that encourages active participation, making the learning experience dynamic and enjoyable
  • Acquire access to a comprehensive approach for successful AI adoption that spans across digital transformation, data excellence and ethical considerations
  • Join a vibrant community of fellow AI adopters and developers. Foster networking opportunities and connections that extend beyond the workshop to enrich your professional journey.

Workshop 4

Fundraising for AI driven startups 

When: Thursday 26 October or Tuesday 21 November, 2pm – 5pm 

Where: Digital Catapult Offices, London

About the event

This workshop will explore the fundraising landscape for AI-driven companies. It will cover relevant funding opportunities in the UK and beyond, as well as looking at key considerations to weigh up when selecting the best investment option for your business.

The aim of this workshop is to provide businesses with the tools to confidently approach fundraising activities. It will provide top tips for approaching a fundraising process and pitfalls to avoid.

Who should attend?

This workshop welcomes participation from early stage AI-driven SMEs, founders and startup operators within the agriculture, creative, transport and construction sectors who are thinking about selecting the right funding growth engine for their business.

What you’ll gain

  • Develop the skills and knowledge needed to confidently approach fundraising activities 
  • Gain a clear understanding of which funding route aligns best with your company’s goals
  • Gain valuable insights into the investment landscape and dynamics of the AI market 
  • Explore the pros and cons of various investment routes. Gain the knowledge to weigh the benefits and drawbacks which enable you to make strategic choices that best suit your business growth aspirations.

Birmingham Tech Week 2023 is nearly here

Birmingham Tech Week is the UK’s largest regional tech festival and conference. This year, it takes place from Monday 16 to Friday 20 October, with online, in-person and on-demand sessions.

The event will feature over 100 speakers across five days, including Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands, Paul Scully MP, and leaders representing dozens of high-profile tech companies. Sessions include dinners, social events, discussions, networking and presentations on a wide range of tech-related topics, including:

  • Sustainability
  • Training and education
  • Championing start-ups
  • Data in real estate
  • New developments
  • Pitching
  • Investment
  • Global growth
  • Health care
  • Women in technology.

The programme culminates in an awards dinner on Friday 20 October.

Prestigious venues for Birmingham Tech Week

The in-person sessions will be held in a variety of Birmingham locations including HSBC headquarters, Birmingham Rep, BT, University College Birmingham, Albert Schloss restaurant, iCentrum, The Exchange, the Ivy, X+Why, The Bond, Shakespeare Martineau, STEAMhouse, BGF, Enterprise Wharf, the ICC, NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator Hub and Edgbaston Cricket Ground.

For more information, and to sign up, visit the registration page. Fill in your contact details then click ‘next’ to access the full list of sessions.

Reviewing Brexit: customs compliance and audit for UK importers workshop – new date

We’re holding a series of international trade workshops for Sandwell businesses. Join us for the fifth one at our Sandwell Start-Up Hub. Please note that the date has changed from Thursday 22 February to Friday 22 March.

We (the Sandwell Business Growth Team) are holding a series of international trade workshops covering:

  • How to improve your import, export and customs procedures
  • Ambition to export: mapping and accessing new markets
  • Cutting costs and improving productivity through customs
  • Reviewing Brexit: customs compliance and audit for UK importers.

The fifth workshop in the series takes place on Friday 22 March (new date!) at Jack Judge House in Oldbury. It’s called ‘Reviewing Brexit: Customs compliance and audit for UK importers’.

We (the Sandwell Business Growth team) are hosting the workshop and experts from Falsum Consulting Ltd will deliver the session. It’s a whole-day event – from 9.30am to 4.30pm – that will review Brexit for UK importers.

As HMRC is putting more responsibility on traders and expects greater awareness and compliance within companies, this workshop uncovers how companies can self-audit to remain compliant.

It provides a practical guide to understand origin and preference, classification, valuation and how to read customs entries. 

Knowing what information HMRC will want to look at during an audit is critical to a successful audit. Attendees will learn what HMRC considers the essential areas of a customs audit and how to react when you are under the spotlight.

It will also cover customs special procedures and provide detailed information on what each of the procedures is and what HMRC looks for. Within this section, you will look at authorised economic operator (AEO), the benefits and pitfalls of using AEO, and how a customs audit on an AEO trader could have serious consequences when being audited, such as:

  • Customs audits – what are they? 
  • Meeting AEO conditions
  • Understanding your responsibilities
  • Record keeping requirements: Imports, exports and EU trade
  • Writing procedures, internal guidelines and self-auditing 

The workshop will also cover topics such as:

  • Planning for an audit – providing company information to the auditor 
  • Who should lead the audit? 
  • Management support and awareness
  • Responsibilities of freight companies
  •  VAT evidence of export
  • Classification of goods
  • Valuation issues
  • Preference at export and import
  • Intra-community Trade Statistics (INTRASTAT) linking physical movement of goods within the EU to VAT returns
  • Special customs procedures IP, OP, CW, EnU, TA and AEO conditions. 

This workshop will be ideal for compliance managers, finance leaders, business heads and logistics management.